Pup Play FAQs: Everything You Need to Know on Pups & Handlers

This Pup Play FAQs page is intended to answer all common questions about pup play and the pup play community for non-members, beginners, and curious people alike.

1. What is Pup Play?

  • Question: What exactly is pup play?
  • Answer: Pup play (also referred to as puppy play) is a form of role-playing typically found within the BDSM community where many participants adopt the characteristics and behaviors of dogs or puppies. This can include wearing specific gear like like doglike masks (called pup hoods) and tails, walking on all fours, and communicating through barks and gestures. It’s a way to explore different power dynamics, escape human responsibilities, and engage in playful, non-human behavior. People find it freeing, fun, and also boosts confidence in social connection. Everyone involved does what they are comfortable with, and what they enjoy. It may seem strange at first, but like many communities – it seems strange until you understand more, or try it / get involved for yourself. If you think pup play is growing, it’s because it is as it’s fun to be a part of and many more people join everyday around the world.

2. How to Get Started with Pup Play?

  • Question: How can I get started with pup play?
  • Answer: Getting started with pup play involves exploring your interests and boundaries. You can begin by exploring our website to learn about Pup Play 101, as well as what it’s like being a pup, handler or other roles (all explained in our guides). After you’ve learned the basics, visit our Pup Play Groups page to browse pup play groups in your area. You can then join a group and chat online with other pups, handlers, trainers, and allies, and attend an in person event (usually called pup meets, or pup moshes / munches) to connect with other likeminded people. Attending pup events or meetups is also a great way to learn from experienced members as well as get a better feel for everything. Communities are friendly, welcoming, and happy to help new people – so long as you’ve read the basics on this site and ask respectfully. As it may be new to you, it’s important to keep an open mind to learn best. There’s no one way to do things, so there’s opportunity to express yourself and find how you best fit in (or simply watch).

3. What Gear is Needed for Pup Play?

  • Question: What kind of gear do I need for pup play?
  • Answer: Pup gear is not required to be a pup, or handler, or other roles, but does help you fit the role and get into the headspace and enjoy all the benefits (you’ll also feel like you fit in better since most others will be wearing gear or themed outfits).Essential pup play gear is focused around pups, however you can get this gear no matter your ‘role’. Core pieces of gear includes a pup hood, which helps you get into the headspace; a collar, signifying ownership or protection, or you can wear it just for fashion; and mitts or knee pads for comfort while crawling. Additional accessories like tails or harnesses are also common. You can find places to buy all these gear, or pick and choose on our Pup Play Gear page.

4. Is Pup Play Sexual?

  • Question: Is pup play always a sexual activity?
  • Answer: Not always. While pup play can have sexual elements (which are usually at private events, or at people’s homes – and you will be aware if this is the case), many participants engage in it for relaxation, fun, and a way to express themselves without sexual connotations. It depends on the individuals involved and their specific dynamics. If you are joining an online or public group, or going to a public meet – it’s not going to be sexually focused. It’s like any other social meetup or group, with various personalities, various appearances and lots people to talk to. Plus many people dressed up in pup gear, leather, and other stylish themed apparel. Here’s an example of some pups in their pup gear out in public at a pride parade (pups won’t always be on all fours, don’t worry):
two people dressed in red and blank puppy gear kneeling on all fours in public, representing the pup play community at a pride parade
18 May 2024, Lower Saxony, Hanover: Participants walk through the city center dressed as puppies on Christopher Street Day (CSD). Among other things, the participants demonstrate for the rights of gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgender people. Photo: Michael Matthey/dpa (Photo by Michael Matthey/picture alliance via Getty Images)

5. How Do I Meet Other Pups?

  • Question: How can I meet other people interested in pup play?
  • Answer: You can meet other pups through pup play events, local BDSM communities, and online groups and on social media. Visit our Pup Play Social Groups and Communities page to browse pup play groups local to you (or simply enjoy browsing around and seeing what’s out there). Once you’re in a group, any local events that are on will usually be announced in it so you can then attend if you are interested – it’s best to join a group in order to attend an event.

6. What are the Roles in Pup Play?

  • Question: What roles are involved in pup play?
  • Answer: The most common roles are the pup, who behaves like a puppy, and the handler or owner, who takes care of and controls the pup. There can also be trainers, who teach and guide pups, or observers who participate more passively. Trainers, owners, and other more dominant based roles may also prefer to be referred to by name, or by other titles like Sir, Ma’am, or Master. It’s best to ask how someone wants to be referred to, however if you are just joining people will introduce themselves with their name usually. It’s if/when you participate more deeply or take on a role or find a place you might pair up with others who have preferred titles, roles, and other dynamics. You aren’t required to do this – you can also simply enjoy the gear, the events, and the people in the pup play community. Do what you are comfortable with. Below is an example of a pup that is leashed and being guided around by another pup, who both consent and wish to partake in such an activity:
two people dressed as pups, engaging in pup play, one wearing a collar and leash held by the other person in public at a pride parade
Europe, Germany, Sachsen-Anhalt, Dessau – May 20, 2023: Christopher Street Day, photo of LGBT pride at the street. People wear puppy masks and walking in the Germany.

Author’s note: Usually pup activities are indoors, or at private functions, places or bars. Pups and people involved don’t usually walk the streets in their gear and leashed up unless attending an event like a pride parade.

7. Can Anyone Participate in Pup Play?

  • Question: Can anyone participate in pup play?
  • Answer: Yes, pup play is inclusive and open to anyone interested, regardless of gender, sexuality, or background. You will likely find that many people involved in pup play are part of the LGBTQ+ community, as there is a history with LGBTQ+ people being involved from earlier days in history. You do not have to identify as LGBTQ+ to participate, but it is important you are respectful and understand these are the people that usually make up the bulk of the community. The key is respect for all participants and adherence to the agreed-upon rules and boundaries. If you are unsure, ask the person you are talking to what they are comfortable with. Typically, this follows the same expectations and rules as any other social meetup, we are all people!

8. What are Common Misconceptions About Pup Play?

  • Question: What are some common misconceptions about pup play?
  • Answer: Common misconceptions include that it is always sexual or fetishistic, involves real animals, or that it’s only for certain types of people. In reality, pup play is a diverse and inclusive activity that emphasizes consensual role-play, imagination, and community. Only humans are involved, and some humans will role-play as dogs or puppies, but no real animals are involved. Misconceptions often come from fear, not understanding or not knowing – it’s easy to assume, but keep an open mind and learn from accurate sources – like this website. You can learn more about Pup Play on all the other pages on our site (use the search bar or menu to find more pages to explore and learn).

9. Safety Tips for Pup Play

  • Question: What are some safety tips for engaging in pup play?
  • Answer: Key safety tips include using safe, comfortable gear, setting clear boundaries and safe words, maintaining good communication with all participants, and ensuring that activities are consensual and respectful of physical limits. These are the rules for people who are actively role-playing. If you are just joining, the top rules are like any other social meetup – don’t touch unless you ask first and are given permission. If you want to touch someone role-playing as a pup (on all fours usually), you need to ask the pup, or the pup’s owner (much like you would for a real dog and their owner), and if granted permission – touch their head or back or ‘paws’ (hands). Don’t pull or tug on puppy tails.

10. How to Respectfully Participate in the Pup Play Community?

  • Question: How can I participate respectfully in the pup play community?
  • Answer: Participate respectfully by learning the norms and etiquette of the community (which you can find info on throughout this website), engaging with others considerately (ask and talk like at any other social meetup or conversation), respecting everyone’s roles and identities (ask that person if you are unsure), and contributing positively to community spaces and discussions. Remember, the pup play community is often made up of LGBTQ+ people – treat them like any other person.

Where to go from here

  • If you were just reading to know what pup play is, thank you for taking the time to learn from a site written by people who are part of the pup play community. These pup play FAQs should provide you with a good understanding.
  • If you are wanting to get involved in the pup play community: Check out Pup Play 101: The Ultimate Simple Guide for Beginners.